
Escalator Commissioning Instructions(XO5339M007)

來源: 2020/3/8 11:32:17 點擊:

Escalator Commissioning Instructions(XO5339M007)

Commissioning Instructions (Full Frequency Conversion)
1. Section I: Electrical Components
1.1. Circuit Switch
The three-phase alternating current supplied by the user is divided into two lines. One line is controlled
by Main Power Switch S1 fixed inside the head motor room on the truss, and then led into the air
switch inside the control cabinet, used to provide the power for running of escalator / walkway as well
as the control power; and the other line is accessed into the control box, used to providing power for
the sockets(X5 and X4) set in the upper and lower motor room.
When the main circuit is de-energized, the brake on the motor will lose power and the brake will be
If the user chooses handrail lighting, skirting board lighting or arranges heating device, which can be
separately controlled by the switches located in the junction box of these devices, for installation and
maintenance in escalator / sidewalk.
In the upper and lower motor room of the truss, there are only two emergency stop buttons (SSFT and
SSFB) for rotary manual reset, which are respectively fixed on the control box and the junction box on
the lower hear. Besides, there are two emergency stop buttons (SST, SSB) respectively on the upper
and lower entries of the escalator / sidewalk. When any of these buttons is pressed, the safety circuit
will be cut off, and the escalator / sidewalk will be immediately stopped.

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